LIFE connects

LIFE is a university-wide project-based course, which is compulsory for the majority of Bachelor and Master level students. All six academic units are responsible for supervising LIFE (BFM, School of Digital Technologies, School of Educational Sciences, School of Humanities, School of Natural Sciences and Health, School of Governance, Law and Society) and Haapsalu College, with the aim to ensure that all the students could participate in the LIFE course, which is included in the study programmes.

LIFE is a study course where students from different study areas collaborate with academics to carry out projects focusing on interdisciplinary problems of their own interest. LIFE course is assessed on a non-differentiated assessment scale and has a course volume of 6 ECTS. Work is carried out in teams that consist of 6 students, including students from at least three different study areas.

In LIFE you can be an author, a leader and an inventor all at the same time - just like in real life! 

The main objective of LIFE is to support the development of general competences and teamwork skills, which would foster the development of the competence of resolving interdisciplinary problems. The teaching activities of the lecturer in the LIFE course encompass the skill of involving groups of students to participate actively in the learning process. If the supervisor is a lecturer, one of his/her main tasks is to foster the development of students’ thinking and argumentative skills that would contribute to problem solving, metacognitive skills and critical thinking and would help the student to develop into an independent and self-directing learner. The effectiveness of supervisors also determines how well the learning outcomes are acquired. Taking the deeper purpose of problem-based teaching and learning as the basis, LIFE course teaches students self-management, application of knowledge and lifelong learning skills.

Submitting the LIFE project idea

LIFE project ideas need to be submitted on LIFE website. The deadline for 2023/2024 autumn semester LIFE project ideas has been extended to July 10, 2023.

Before the submission deadline there will be seminars that offer an opportunity to exchange experiences and get personal feedback to their ideas. Ask additional information about the seminars from LIFE coordinators ( 

The initiator of a LIFE project idea can be lecturer (LIFE 1.0), student (LIFE 2.0) or partner from outside the university (LIFE 3.0: entrepreneurs, NGOs, organizations etc.).

LIFE 1.0: supervisor is a lecturer     
LIFE 2.0: supervisor is a student
LIFE 3.0: author of the idea from outside the university
the idea of the project is initiated by one or more lecturers; the idea of the project is initiated by a student; the idea of the project is initiated by a partner from outside the university;
the lecturers will prepare preliminary project idea that maximum three groups can start working with; when there is only one supervisor, it is advisable to look for a co-supervisor; the student will prepare preliminary project idea that usually maximum one project group can start working with; LIFE coordinators get in touch and look for a co-supervisor from the university;
students determine the appropriate ways to reach the end result. in order to ensure the students' readiness to manage the project and the LIFE group, one must find a mentor-supervisor. LIFE project is the result of cooperation between the partner, the students and the university lecturer.

All LIFE project authors are recommended to take part in LIFE supervisors briefing at the beginning of the semester, where LIFE Coordinators cover all the important topics and dates regarding the new semester.  

Important steps in LIFE

To participate in the course, students need to choose a project they like on LIFE website and join the project (using their TLU account for Study Information System). It is possible to join projects within the period of time indicated in the Academic Calendar as regards the registration for courses. It is not possible to register for the LIFE course in the Study Information System; the course is added to the student’s study plan by the coordinators of the course after two weeks from the end of the registration. 

If your LIFE project lasts two semesters then LIFE course will be registered to your study plan on the second semester. This means that students will get their credit points on the second semester. 


Six mandatory stages of LIFE:

1. Creating an inclusive course programme

Making an agreement within the group, i.e. collaboratively setting a concrete project goal, action plan and timeframe, tasks to be assessed, assessment criteria and media plan.

2. Completion and presentation of the mid-term report

Before the feedback session of the intermediate week each team of the project has to fill in the mid-term one-pager. This has to be submitted in Moodle.

3. Participation in the feedback session of the intermediate week

Feedback sessions take place during the intermediate week of the semester. A lecturer from the university will give constructive feedback to the students about their project meeting the aims of the LIFE course. 

4. Making a project portfolio

LIFE project portfolio consists of the project report, action plan, media coverage and project evaluation. 

5. Self-reflection report

Student’s reflection to evaluate one’s own and team members’ contribution.

6. Presentation of LIFE project results

The presentation day of LIFE projects will take place during the examination session.

LIFE alternatives for master's students

Master's students have the option to take either HÜPE (Tomorrow's General Competencies for Life), which develops general competencies, or the series of research seminars, Academia+, instead of ELU.

HÜPE (Homsed üldpädevused eluks)


ÜPE is a university-wide elective course aimed at developing the general competencies necessary for life, i.e., cross-disciplinary and cross-field competencies that are important for being a person and a citizen. It is a collection of a person's knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the readiness to apply them all.

HÜPE courses available for the spring semester:

Course Description
YID7011 Citizen Competences The Civic Competencies course is aimed at developing the ability to engage effectively in contemporary public life. The course supports competencies in information literacy, participation, discussion, critical thinking, and decision-making, while also helping to better understand each individual's opportunities as a citizen in today's democracy. This knowledge is beneficial across various fields, from education and politics to language and literature, environmental activism, or family life. Lectures are complemented by practical sessions that reinforce new knowledge and skills. Strengthen your civic competencies!


Akadeemia+ is a university-wide interdisciplinary initiative aimed at providing students with additional development opportunities and offering faculty members the chance to integrate their teaching with the part of their research that falls outside the framework offered by existing curricula.


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Telefon(+372) 640 9236


LIFE is funded within the framework of Project TLÜ TEE, i.e. Tallinn University as an Advocate of Intelligent Lifestyle no 2014-2020.4.01.16-0033 activity B23, under ASTRA programme of European Regional Development Fund.

Last updated 08/23/2024 - 17:40