Not later than 1 month after exchange studies have finished, the student has to submit the following documents: 


  1. European Commission Feedback Report - the link will be sent to student's e-mail address at the end of exchange studies and is to be submitted online;
  2. Confirmation Letter - a letter from the host university certifying that the student has studied at their institution for a certain period (e.g. if the student has received an Erasmus+ grant for 5 months, it has to be certified that his/her studies abroad lasted 5 months). To be presented to TLU (Senior) Specialist for International Studies.
  3. Transcript of Records - certifying all the results of studies at host university. 
    Transcript of Records has to match with the last version of Learning Agreement. This document has to be presented to TLU Senior Specialist for International Studies and the credit transfer application is done by the student in the ÕIS system (study information system).

    Document which carries the same functions, and which is accepted on an equal basis with the Confirmation Letter & Transcript of Records combined, is the last part of Learning Agreement, called  "AFTER THE MOBILITY" (table C), signed and confirmed by host university. It is up to the host university to decide whether at the end of student's exchange studies, he/she is provided with a separate Confirmation Letter & Transcript of Records, or if instead Learning Agreement's "After the mobility" part is filled out, signed, and confirmed by host university.

    ***As last semester MA students and also doctoral students are not required to take nor to transfer the courses and credits taken abroad back to TLU, then they also do not have to present the Transcript of Records. Yet, in case the mentioned students are still interested in transferring courses and credits taken abroad back to TLU, then they as well have to present their Transcript of Records to TLU Senior Specialist for International Studies. The procedure for credit-transfer is the same as for all other students returning from an exchange.

NB! Student's Erasmus+ scholarship is directly related to the amount of credits (ECTS) received abroad and the obligation to present the final reporting documents. If the student does not submit the required reporting documents at the end of exchange-studies and does not bring back to Tallinn University, in case of long-term mobility studies at least 1 ECTS (except last semester MA students, and doctoral students), or, in case of short-term mobility studies at least 3 ECTS worth of courses (except doctoral students) which will be transferred to his/her TLU Study Programme, he/she is obliged to refund the Erasmus+ scholarship in full amountSee more information HERE