Developed programmes
I Social-emotional competence development program "Our World" for primary school teachers
The program "Our World" is a universal, prevention-oriented grade-based intervention program to support the development of social-emotional competence for grades II and III. It can be used with the whole class within the framework of social-personal education lessons and takes into account both the national curriculum and the developmental aspects of social-emotional competence. The program contains comprehensive materials (teacher's guidance material, 45-minute lesson plans for the whole year, workbook, teamwork puzzles, posters) for both teachers and students. Additional materials have also been created for grade I related to the topic of creating class agreements
II Study skills development program for teachers "Let's learn with thought"
The purpose of the program is to provide teachers with tools to support students in implementing and becoming aware of effective learning strategies. Effective strategies include: use of visual aids (models, drawings, etc.); associating what is learned with personal experiences and what was previously learned; grouping of learning; systematization. The effectiveness of these strategies is justified by the laws of memory and thinking, which are also introduced to students in the program, so that students become more aware of their learning, their strong and weak skills. Using effective strategies allows you to better understand, remember and use what you learn.
III Reading comprehension and self-regulated learning development program "We read" for teachers (Grades 1-4)
The "We read" program is a teacher's tool to support students' awareness of the reading process and reading strategies, practice using strategies, and learn to aim and evaluate their learning process. The program is based on four comprehension strategies that good readers use: prediction, asking questions, clarification, summarizing.
The lessons of the "We read" program are part of the school lesson, which take 30-45 minutes to complete. They must be carried out as part of subject lessons (e.g. mother tongue, natural studies, human studies), one to two times a week. It is more effective if participating teachers from an educational institution exchange experiences with each other, including visiting each other's classes and giving feedback on them. The program is suitable for use from grades 1 to 4, with students with learning difficulties also in older grades.
Programs for educational institutions
Educational psychology program –“Co-learning municipality”
Objectives of the program include
- Supporting municipal education specialist, school leaders and teachers in acquiring up-to-date knowledge about mental processes related to learning, so that these target groups will later take them into account and apply them in their work;
- Moreover, attending the program helps different parties to understand each other and the learner better, to work together more effectively and to discuss problems from different perspectives.
Our vision is that schools in a municipality would be better supported in order to create a better cooperative relationship with students of all age levels (including early teenagers). This allows students to learn in an environment that supports their growth mindset and autonomous motivation, which in turn supports their development into self-directed learners who learn to regulate their own learning by setting reasonable (mastery-oriented) learning goals and choosing appropriate ways (learning strategies) to realize these goals.
Educational psychology program "Basic principles for learning and how to support them effectively”
This intensive program provides an overview of up-to-date knowledge about the nature and development of the cognitive processes involved in learning, as well as research-informed applications for designing optimal learning environments for supporting student learning and development in the best possible way.
Trainers: Kati Aus, Grete Arro, Elina Malleus-Kotšegarov, Piret Oppi
Volume: Contact learning 36 academic hours, independent work 36 academic hours.
Educational psychology program for local municipalities and their schools
Objectives of this educational psychology program include:
- shaping education at the local government level and supporting schools according to the latest knowledge in the educational landscape;
- creation of a network of schools at the municipal level to contribute to the application of modern psychological knowledge in schools;
- supporting the implementation of curriculum changes and the creation of learning communities at the school level;
- creating conditions at the management level to support teachers' sustainable and effective learning;
- finding ways to support students more effectively at the classroom level, given the limited time resources of teachers and the individual differences of learners.