Individual counselling for lecturers
We offer the opportunity to come for individual counselling with following questions:
How to use e-learning in classroom work
What e-learning environments to use, how to build an e-course (Moodle, Google Classroom)
What tools can be used to create learning materials (ie interactive materials with self-assessment)
What tools can be used to activate learner in the classroom
How to use Panopto for self-recording
If you want advice and help, contact us:
Recording studio T-323
Studio intended for use by Tallinn University lecturers.
The room can be used alone or in pairs, independently or with the support of the E-learning Center.
Introduction, rules, booking information and instructions can be found at:
- The studio is booked via the form. Previously, check from ASIO (Room calendars > T-323) whether the studio is free.