Carsten Levisen "Basic Kala Terms and the End of History: An invitation to Visual Semantics"
Carsten Levisen is a Danish linguist and linguistic anthropologist. He is an associate professor at Roskilde University, and a member of the Young Academy of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen. His research fields cover semantics, pragmatics, creole studies, and postcolonial language studies. He has published on visual semantics, including ”brightness”, ”colour”, ”folk aesthetics”, and the diverse language of visuality across cultures and eras. Most recently, he has investigated the Anglocentrism of contemporary international knowledge production, including “Anglo biases” in color studies. He is the author of the monograph Cultural Semantics and Social Cognition (De Gruyter), the author-editor of Cultural Keywords in Discourse (with S. Waters), Creole Studies (with P. Bakker, F. Borchsenius, and E. Sippola), and a number of special issues: ’Biases in Linguistics’ (Language Sciences), ’The Social Life of Interjections’ (Scandinavian Studies in Language),’Language and Music in Contact Situations’ (Language and Communication), and ‘The Pragmatics of Place’ (Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics).
Galina Paramei "Communicative need drives colour language refinement: The riches of ‘Italian blues’"
Galina V. Paramei is Professor of Psychology at Liverpool Hope University, UK. She graduated from and obtained her PhD in General Psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Her Habilitation (post-doctorate degree) in Cognitive Psychology is from Ruhr-University Bochum, and in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Magdeburg, both Germany. Galina’s [Prof. Paramei’s] specialism is in colour vision, with research embracing both low-level and high-level cognitive functions. Using methods of psychophysics and modelling, she investigates individual differences in chromatic discrimination, in particular, in individuals with congenital and acquired colour-vision deficiencies, as well as ageing effects. In colour cognition, Prof. Paramei’s focus is on language-specific modulation of universal colour categories, predominantly in (her native) Russian and in Italian. In addition, she is interested in cross-cultural comparisons and in semantic shifts of colour categories in Italian-English bilinguals. She is a co-editor of two collective monographs: Anthropology of Color: Interdisciplinary Multilevel Modeling (2007), and Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, Language and Beyond (2018), both from John Benjamins (Amsterdam/Philadelphia). Since 2015 is Co-Chairwoman of the Study Group 'Language of Colour' of the International Colour Association (AIC).
Delwin T. Lindsey & Angela M. Brown "The representation of color in English, Somali, and other world languages"