Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 20 March 2022
Note of acceptance: 5 May 2022
Early bird registration: until 1st August 2022
Regular registration: 2nd August until 1st September 2022
Conference: 7th until 10th September 2022
Submission guidelines
If you would like to contribute to the PICS2022 conference by presenting your research, we invite you to submit an abstract of 200-300 words (excluding references and figures). Submissions are welcome from scholars in all relevant disciplines for individual oral talks, symposia and posters. All abstracts must be written in English.
When submitting an abstract, please provide the names and affiliations of all authors, a title, and an abstract. Leaving this information out might result in rejection of your abstract. If you are submitting a symposium (3-5 group talks), you will also need a title for the symposium. Talks will be allocated 25 minutes (20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). There will be one or two poster sessions and posters will stay for at least one day.
All abstracts will be double-blind peer-reviewed by an international scientific committee. The deadline for abstract submission is 20th March 2022. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated on the 5th of May 2022. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts, which will be available to download shortly before the conference.
The abstracts should be sent to When submitting an abstract, please communicate the following information in the subject line:
Talk submission: First name Last name Talk title
Poster submission: First name Last name Poster title
In case you want to make changes to the submitted abstract before the submission deadline (strongly discouraged), please communicate the following information in the subject line:
Talk submission (version 2): First name Last name Talk title
Poster submission (version 2): First name Last name Poster title