Do you know…
…where the highest medieval building in Europe is?
…where “Skype” was invented?
…a country with a territory larger than that of Denmark or Switzerland or Belgium or the Netherlands,
but with only 1.34 million inhabitants?
…that people have lived on this territory more for than 5,000 years?
…that there are more than a thousand islands in this small country?
...that 1/3 of the territory is covered with forests and that there are 10 national parks?
This is Estonia! Not many people know where this country lies but over a million tourists visit it every year.
Watch the video and you will understand why!
Republic of Estonia is a small country located in the south of Finland as the northern one of the three Baltic States. It is bordered with Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea from north and west and with Latvia, lake Peipus and the Russian Federation from south and east.
It's population is 1.34 million and the nations official language is Estonian. It became a member of NATO in March 29, 2004 and a member of European Union on May 1st 2004. Currency used here is euro since the 1st of January 2011. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn.
Estonia is a country of thousands of lakes and small islands (Estonia has 1521 islands), but no mountains. The highest top is 318 meters from the sea and is called Suur Munamägi.
The climate here is different in each season. In the winter the average temperature is -2 degrees (Celsius) but it may sink to -25 degrees, usually in January or February. Next to the cold winters, Estonia has hot summers. The average temperature is +19.4 degrees but in July it may rise up to +30 degrees. Weather forecast is available here:
The best site for all official tourist information on what why where and when to do can be found at the website
Click yourself around the best events, castles, natural sites and lodgings and plan your dream journey to Estonia. Estonia is so much more than Tallinn’s Old Town!