Avalik loeng

Professor Rita Felski avalikud loengud "Reading with the New Frankfurt School”

Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide doktorikooli kutsel viib nimekas Ameerika kirjandusteadlane prof. Rita Felski (Virginia ülikool) läbi seminari teemal "Reading with the New Frankfurt School”.

Humanitaarteaduste instituut


Lisa kalendrisse

iCal calendar

Seminari raames toimuvad ka kaks avalikku loengut, kuhu on ooodatud kõik! Eelnev registreerumine pole vajalik.

5. septembril kell 10:00–12:00 toimub loeng teemal "On Resonance"
What is resonance and why might it constitute a fundamental human value? My talk draws out affinities between Hartmut Rosa’s theories of resonance and novels of academic life by John Williams and Dionne Brand. Both Stoner and Theory capture moments when words come alive; they speak to the transformative aspects of books and ideas, while also reckoning with the alienating aspects of academic institutions. The idea of resonance, I argue, is especially well-suited to capturing the qualities of a humanistic education.

6. septembril kell 10.00–12.00 toimub loeng teemal "Literature and Life Worlds: Szabo, Schutz, Habermas".
The idea of the life world has little uptake in literary studies, yet its blend of phenomenological and social meanings seems especially well-suited to capturing life as it is lived. This lecture argues that literature can expand and enrich the accounts of lifeworlds developed by social theorists such as Schutz and Habermas. In Magda Szabo’s The Door, a novel about the relationship between a novelist and her housekeeper, their shared yet conflicting lifeworlds come to the fore. How are intellectuals seen by those who cook their meals and clean their floors?