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“Tõlgitud mälu” loengusari: prof. Dina Iordanova

Dina Iordanova, St Andrewsi Ülikool A Walk On the Waterfront: Hushed Memories and Impossible Conversations

Humanitaarteaduste instituut

14.03.2023 kell 16.00 - 18.00

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Dina Iordanova on globaalse kino emeriitprofessor St Andrewsi Ülikoolis Šotimaal. Ta on pärit Bulgaariast, töötanud kolm aastakümmet mitmel pool maailmas ja uurinud põhiliselt Balkani ja Ida-Euroopa filmiajalugu, samuti endise Nõukogude Liidu ning Ida-Aasia kino. Ta on juhtiv teadlane globaalsete filmifestivalide alal ja on olnud mitmete rahvusvaheliste festivalide žüriis. Selles loengus toetub ta Balkani mälu-uuringutele viimase kahe aastakümne jooksul.

Loengu tutvustus:

A visit to the coastal city of Izmir early in 2023 brought up memories of the centennial related to the place. In Turkey, it was marked as a day of the city’s liberation, whilst, in Greece, it was commemorated mainly through references to ethnic cleansing and catastrophe. Even Wikipedia carries two differently slanted articles on the topic, both related to the same event but not interlinked online. Occasional cultural historians and filmmakers from either country have tried to complicate the narrative for a more comprehensive understanding. A meaningful dialogue is still to materialize, though. Elsewhere, the 1922 centennial remained largely unmentioned (as has been, generally, the case with the centennial of the end of the Ottoman Empire). Indeed, the silence over unreconciled and awkward moments in history, like this one, is deafening. In this talk, l would like to present a case study of the hushed memories related to Smyrna/Izmir and connect it to more general matters of reconciling narratives, vicious circles, and historical memory.

"Loengi on osa projektist "Tõlgitud mälu: Ida-Euroopa minevik globaalsel areenil" (grandi hoidja Eneken Laanes, grandileping nr 853385, 2020–2024), mida rahastab Euroopa Teadusnõukogu Euroopa Liidu Horisont 2020 teadusuuringute ja innovatsiooni programmi raames."

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