HTI teadusseminar "Supporting student success, motivation, and well-being in a time of extremes: A self-determination theory perspective"
Olete oodatud seminarile "Supporting student success, motivation, and well-being in a time of extremes: A self-determination theory perspective".
Haridusteaduste instituut
Lisa kalendrisse
iCal calendarSeminari viib läbi kliiniline psühholoog ja dotsent Martin Lynch* (Warner School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, New York), kes on külastamas Tallinna Ülikooli.
Seminar toimub 8. märtsil algusega kell 10.30 Tallinna Ülikoolis (ruumis T-412). Zoomis osalemine ei ole võimalik, kuid ettekanne salvestatakse ja seda saab huvi korral järgi vaadata.
Seminarile on vajalik registreerumine. Tähtaeg on 3. märts.
Seminar toimub haridusteaduste instituudi didaktika-praktika arenduskolmapäeva raames.
Martin Lynch tutvustab seminariteemat järgnevalt:
"The global pandemic had a significant impact on the educational experiences of teachers, students, and their families around the world. In part, this had to do with the abrupt shift to online or ‘remote’ teaching and learning as countries attempted to cope with the new realities brought on by the pandemic. What have we learned, since then, about the impact of such a crisis on these educational stakeholders (teachers, students, families)? Importantly, how can we address the needs, well-being, and success of students during and in the aftermath of such global challenges to the education system (while keeping in mind the needs and well-being of parents and teachers, as well)? This lecture will offer a motivational perspective on these issues that draws from Self-Determination Theory".
Seminari esimeses pooles teeb Martin Lynch ka lühikese sissejuhatuse isemääramisteooriasse.
*Martin Lynch, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor at the Warner School of Education and Human Development, at the University of Rochester (New York, United States). His research focuses on the effects of social context on human motivation, personality development, and well-being, with an emphasis on the applied domains of education, counseling, and psychotherapy. His scholarship draws heavily on Self-Determination Theory, which he studied under the theory’s co-founders, Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, and has a chapter in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory. Lynch spent a year (2014–2015) in Kazan, Russia, teaching and conducting research under a Fulbright U.S. Scholar award, and is honored to visit Tallinn University under a grant from the Erasmus+ Program.