Avalik loeng

Loeng "Do we need innovative schools to educate innovative people?"

24. aprillil kell 13.00 toimub Tallinna Ülikoolis (ruumis M-218) tunnustatud Soome haridusteadlase, Jyväskylä ülikooli professori Jouni Välijärvi avatud seminar "Do we need innovative schools to educate innovative people?". Seminaril keskendub prof Välijärvi uutele õpetamisviisidele, kuidas haridusinnovatsiooni koolides ellu viia. Loeng toimub inglise keeles.

Haridusteaduste instituut

24.04.2019 kell 13.00 - 14.00

Lisa kalendrisse

iCal calendar

Loengu tutvustus (inglise keeles):

The modern society needs members who are prepared to learn and improve their skills all the time, and are able and willing to act as innovative employees in future oriented companies. On the other hand, school education has always leaned strongly on tradition; repeating and conveying ideas and things that earlier generations have found the most valuable. Should the future school that aims to promote 21st century competences forget the traditional knowledge and concentrate only on so called generic skills? However, "competence" or "skill" are vague concepts without content, e.g. "thinking" or "communicating" mean thinking or communicating something. What this "something" is is not an insignificant issue. Many education systems strive to support innovativeness in their societies. However, innovation is only in few cases something completely new. More typically it means doing things differently, more effectively. So, innovative school knows the tradition, but at the same time encourages students to see potential for change in it. For that we need new kind of pedagogy that strengthens students’ self-efficacy, curiosity and motivation.
