
Janika Leoste esineb hariduskonverentsil Edusummit21

Ülemaailmne hariduskonverents Edusummit21 toimub virtuaalselt 10.–12. mail 2021.

Edusummit bänner

TLÜ haridusteaduste instituudi ettevõtluskoostöö ja innovatsiooni peaspetsialist Janika Leoste teeb ettekande ülemaailmsel hariduskonverentsil Edusummit21.

Ettekanne "Sustaining TEL Innovations" toimub inglise keeles. Tutvustus: 

In the era of accelerating change schools face an increasing number of innovation attempts that aim at modernizing education and making it more efficient. Janika Leoste speaks about the challenges of making technology-rich innovations to stick to everyday classroom practices.

What are the TEL innovation process stages and how long do they last? What factors and how influence this process? How can we facilitate this process? And a bonus - how does TTS' Bee-Bot compare to humanoid robots when supporting development of children with autism spectrum disorder?

Come and think with Janika about these topics!

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