Open call for the summer school 17.-18.08.2020 Saka Manor


The Summer School offers a possibility for doctoral students and supervisors an opportunity to take partin different workshops, provide useful feedback to doctoral students and also see and hear what the others are doing. In the summer school, workshops are organized to support doctoral students and individual or group consultations on certain topics will be offered for doctoral students as well during the summer school.

The Estonian Doctoral School of Educational Sciences seeks:

A. workshop facilitators and consultants (120 minutes+preparation time) on the following topics: 

1) Mind-mapping methods (17.08) 

Workshop: Mind-mapping is a technique that helps one manage and organize the increasing pile of literature and retain an overview of the expanding and nuanced conceptual structure of the research topic. In the workshop, the method and different software options for mind-mapping should be introduced. As a practical exercise, a mind-map on a topic that interests students should be jointly created.

Consultations: in case individual consultations are required on the same topic.

2) Design of the thesis: Basics of quantitative methodology on 18.08.

This workshop concentrates on the possibilities for data analysis with different types of data analysis methods. 

The working language of the summer school is English. There will be around 30 participants in the workshops. Workshop facilitators are welcome to stay for both days of the summer school in order to consult and facilitate formal and informal discussions around the topics.

Requirements for the applicants: PhD in Education Sciences or Psychology, at least 3 years of  experience on the topic of the workshop(s).

If interested, please apply by contacting by August 3rd. The decision will be made by August 5th. Please indicate the theme and (gross) salary  for the workshop in your proposal. In case you are willing to act as an individual consultant, please indicate your salary per hour. ​​​​​​​

Travel and accommodation will be provided and expenses covered by the organizer during the summer school. 
The Summer School is organized by the Doctoral School of Educational Sciences (HKDK) and is supported by Tallinn University's ASTRA project, TLU TEE - Tallinn University as a promoter of intelligent lifestyle
