Avalik loeng

Jane Gingrichi avalik loeng "The Origins of the Welfare State: Varying Politics, Varying States?"

Tule kuulama Jane Gingrichi avalikku loengut teemal "The Origins of the Welfare State: Varying Politics, Varying States?". Teisipäeval, 2. aprillil kell 9.30, M-648.

Ühiskonnateaduste instituut

02.04.2019 kell 09.30 - 11.30

Public lecture by Jane Gingrich "The Origins of the Welfare State: Varying Politics, Varying States?"


02.04.2019 at 10.00-11.30 in room M-648

Additional information: Koidu Saia, Koidu.Saia@tlu.ee

Public lecture by Jane Gingrich


Lisa kalendrisse

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2 aprillil toimub Tallinna Ülikoolis prof. Jane Gingrichi (Oxfordi Ülikoolist) avalik loeng teemal „The Origins of the Welfare State: Varying Politics, Varying States?" Loeng toimub ruumis M-648.

Loeng toimub inglise keeles, vajalik on eelnev registreerumine!

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Event is organized by COST Action CA17114 „Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth“ (YOUNG-IN) in co-operation with TU Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Lifecourse Studies and Doctoral School of Behavioural, Social and Health Sciences.
