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ÜTI-l külas: Petros Petrikkos ja Constantinos Adamides, Nicosia ülikool

Ühiskonnateaduste instituut

21.09.2021 kell 13.00 - 14.00

ÜTI-l külas - registreerimisvorm

ÜTI-l külas - registreerimisvorm


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Petros Petrikkos ja Constantinos Adamides
University of Nicosia

Meeting ID: 986 6390 8546

Ruum: M-608

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Dr. Constantinos Adamides is an Associate Professor of International Relations and the Associate Head of the Department of Politics and Governance, at the University of Nicosia (UNic, Cyprus), where he also serves as the Director of the Diplomatic Academy. He is also a visiting professor at the Center for Study and Practice of Conflict Resolution at the University of Malta, where he teaches diplomacy, negotiations, and security-related courses on an annual basis. He was also a Resident Research Fellow at the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies in Germany where he researched the development of national security strategies in areas of active or frozen conflicts. He authored/co-authored over fifteen EU and locally funded research projects and has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and books; his latest monograph is a book on the Cyprus conflict through the lens of securitization theory. His research focused primarily security studies, national security, the Cyprus conflict, and the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean. His forward-looking research agenda revolves around hybrid threats and more specifically on cyber security and information warfare and how that affects (or should affect) small the national security strategies of small states. Constantinos holds a PhD in Political Science and International Studies, an MA in Diplomacy and International Relations, an MBA in Finance, and a BSc in Finance and Political Science. 

Petros Petrikkos is a PhD Candidate in International Relations and European Studies at the Department of Politics and Governance at the University of Nicosia, where he also works as a Project and Research Associate at the Diplomatic Academy. His thesis looks at hybrid threats in small states, specifically Estonia and Cyprus. Petros is also a Doctoral Fellow at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), where his work specifically focuses on how small EU member- states’ security vulnerabilities shape the security architecture of the European Union bloc. His general research interests include Security Studies, Ontological Security, International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy, Securitisation, Small States, Cybersecurity, and Hybrid Threats and Warfare in Europe and in the Middle East. Petros Petrikkos also holds a MSc in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA (Hons) in International Relations from Queen Mary, University of London.