Simon Weppeli loeng sarjas "Tõlgitud mälu"

10. mail annab Tallinna Ülikoolis loengu Cambridge'i Ülikooli doktorant ja Cambridge Trust stipendiaat Cambridge'i Pärandi Uurimise Keskuses Simon Weppel.

Heritage temporality

Simon Weppeli loeng “Stepping Over the Threshold of Time”: The Rise of Heritage in the Brezhnev-Era Soviet Union toimub 10. mail kell 16.00 Zoom vahendusel.

Liitu loenguga siin.


Loengu tutvustus

In this paper, I will demonstrate what I argue is the development of a ‘heritage temporality’ in the Brezhnev-era Soviet Union. On the basis of a discourse analysis of visitor guidebooks, tourist brochures, and newspaper articles relating to three Lenin museums, I trace a shift in how past, present, and future are discussed in late Soviet society.
Until the mid-1960s, these highly ideologically charged sites emphasise their educational and agitational purpose, describing themselves as ‘sources of inspiration’ for the builders of communism. In the late 1960s and 1970s, however, a gradual change takes place: guidebooks invoke the future ever more rarely, instead inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the historic surroundings of days gone by. Increasingly, the museums favour the restoration and preservation of an idealised past over the continuation of their erstwhile future-oriented discourses.
My paper will theorise this phenomenon and place it into the wider cultural and historical context of the Brezhnev-era Soviet Union, drawing on Reinhart Koselleck’s dichotomy of the ‘space of experience’ and ‘horizon of expectation’ in order to investigate the preconditions for the rise of heritage as a cultural phenomenon – both in the Soviet Union and globally.


Simon Weppel on Cambridge'i Ülikooli doktorant ja Cambridge Trust stipendiaat Cambridge'i Pärandi Uurimise Keskuses. Ta on saanud bakalaureusekraadi Berliini Vabaülikoolis, magistrikraadi Cambridge'i Ülikoolis ja teinud uurimistööd Istanbuli Boğaziçi Ülikoolis ning Pariisi SciencesPos. Tema doktoritöö uurib pärandi säilitamise arengut hilisnõukogude perioodil.

Loengusari on osa projektist "Tõlgitud mälu: Ida-Euroopa minevik globaalsel areenil" (grandi hoidja Eneken Laanes, grandileping nr 853385, 2020–2024), mida rahastab Euroopa Teadusnõukogu Euroopa Liidu Horisont 2020 teadusuuringute ja innovatsiooni programmi raames.