Crossmedia- How to Tell Stories in Innovative Ways?

Alessandro (the Head of the programme) please describe, what is the Crossmedia in Film and Television BA programme about? Crossmedia in Film and Television is a unique programme that is being taught in one of the most modern film and media schools in Europe. The students learn by theory and practice how to tell stories using multiple platforms and innovative solutions. The main focus of the programme is particularly on the film and television industries. [caption id="attachment_19636" align="alignleft" width="300"]alex_skype The Head of the programme Alessandro Nanì.[/caption] What are some of the ways that this is distinctive? Studying Crossmedia in Film and Television means learning how to tell a story that unfolds on many directions where for example a story is introduced as a feature film, then expanded as a TV series and explored further as a live performance. What kind of courses will be offered to students? The courses range from practical courses such as Transmedia Project, Sound Recording, Writing for Transmedia and Camera Work to theoretical courses such as Semiotics of Multimedia and Media Theories What kind of students, with what kind of backgrounds, might be interested in this programme? The course is tailored to students that have an interest in audiovisual production, film making, and television as a whole. The ideal student is the one in love with storytelling and with telling stories from different angles. What are the practical skills that students acquire during their studies? They acquire practical skills like producing, film making, editing, sound recording, writing for different media, camera work, etc. Here is one practical example of a multiplatform transmedia project called Monsters to Clowns that is made by our students. The idea is to turn children nightmares into sweet bedtime stories. Here is another example of a project called A Dozen Questions about Estonia where our students were involved. It is a joint project of the Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School and the Estonian Institute, introducing Estonia and Estonians through the answers, film clips, blog and language tests. What jobs will students go on after they graduate? Primarily they would work in the film and television industries in managerial positions such as producers and art directors or in practical positions such as cameramen, directors, and editors. They could as well work in fields such as marketing, advertising, education and many more, usually they will lend to these field their expertise in multiscreen storytelling and production. What in your view is most exciting about this programme? Most exciting is the fact that the curriculum prepares students to the media industries of the future. Stories are now often told across multiple mediums, but in the future this will become the normality, not an option. Text by Alessandro Nanì (Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School, the Head of the Crossmedia in Film and Television programme).  

Read more about the Crossmedia in Film and Television programme and admission requirements from our webpage.

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