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- Kulu, H.; Hannemann, T.; Pailhé, A.; Neels, K.; Rahnu, L.; Puur, A.; Krapf, S.; González-Ferrer, A.; Castro-Martin, T.; Kraus, E.; Bernardi, L.; Guarin, A.; Andersson, G.; Persson, L. (2015). A comparative study on fertility among the descendants of immigrants in Europe. „Families And Societies“ Working paper nr 40. Stockholmi Ülikool, Stockholm.
- Rahnu, L.; Puur, A.; Sakkeus, L.; Klesment, M. (2015). Partnership dynamics among migrants and their descendants in Estonia Demographic Research, 32, lk 1519−1566.
- Puur, A.; Sakkeus, L.; Aben, S. (2015). Rahvaloendus teelahkmel: Tähelepanekud lõpule jõudnud metoodikatööst. I. Akadeemia, nr 2, lk 266-283.
- Valge, J. (2014). Punased I. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool
- Sakkeus, L.; Abuladze. L; Tambaum, T. (2014). Puudega inimeste sotsiaalne lõimumine. Social Integration of Disabled Persons. Tallinn: Statistikaamet.
- Billingsley, S.; Puur, A.; Sakkeus, L. (2014). Jobs, careers, and becoming a parent under state socialist and market conditions: Evidence from Estonia 1971 – 2006. Demographic Research, 30, 1733−1768.
Delnord, M.; Blondel, B.; Drewniak, N; Klungsøyr, K.; Bolumar, F.; Mohangoo, A.; Gissler, M.; Szamotulska, K.; Lack, N.; Nijhuis, J.; Velebil, P.; Sakkeus, L.; Chalmers, J. and Zeitlin, J. (2014). Varying gestational age patterns in cesarean delivery: an international comparison. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Vol 14.
- Estonia: L. Rahnu, A. Puur, L. Sakkeus, M. Klesment. France: A. Pailhé. Switzerland: A. Guarin, L.Bernardi. United Kingdom: T. Hannemann, H. Kulu. Sweden: K. Scott, G. Andersson. Spain: A. González-Ferrer, M. Séiz, T. Castro-Martín, T. Martín-Garcia. (2014). Report: Country-Specific Case Studies on Partnership Dynamics Among Immigrants and Their Descendants (Part 1 and Part 2). „Families And Societies“ Working paper nr 13. Stockholmi Ülikool, Stockholm.
Hannemann, T; Kulu, H; González-Ferrer, A; Pailhé, A; Rahnu, L; Puur, A. (2014). A Comparative Study on Partnership Dynamics among Immigrants and Their Descendants. „Families And Societies“ Working paper nr 14. Stockholmi Ülikool, Stockholm.
- Jaadla, H; Klesment, M. (2014). Infant mortality in the Lutheran population of Tartu at the end of the nineteenth century. Ajalooline Ajakiri/ The Estonian Historical Journal, nr 2/3.
- Klesment, M; Rahnu, L; Puur, A; Sakkeus, L. (2014). Varying association between education and second births in Europe: Comparative analysis based on the EU - SILC data. Demographic Research, 31, 813 − 860.
- Voore, A.; Baburin, A.; Puur, A.; Rahu, M. (2013) Epidemioloogia IV. Epidemioloogiaajakirjade arvjoonised ja nende kvaliteet. Eesti Arst 2013; 92(6):312–319.
- Abuladze, L.; Sakkeus, L. (2013). Social Networks and Everyday Activity Limitations. Börsch-Supan, A.; Brandt, M.; Litwin, H.;Weber, G. (Toim.). Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in Europe. First results of SHARE after the Economic Crisis, 311-321, De Gruyter. (SHARE)
- Herm, A.; Pes, G.; Poulain, M. (2013) The Blue Zones: areas of exceptional longevity around the world. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2013, 11, 87-108.
- Klesment, Martin (2013).Diminishing returns to education in the Soviet period. Results from the Estonian Households Income data.RU Sari B Nr. 65, Tallinn, EKDK, 2013.
- Pes, G.M.; Tolu, F.; Poulain, M.; Errigo, A.; Masala, S.; Pietrobelli, A.; Battistini, N.C.; Maioli, M. (2013).Lifestyle and nutrition related to male longevity in Sardinia: An ecological study. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 23(3), 212 - 219.
- Poulain, Michel; Herm, Anne (2013).Central Population Registers as a Source of Demographic Statistics in Europe.Population. 68(2), 183 - 212
- Puur, A., Altmets, K., Saava, A., Uusküla, A., Sakkeus, L. (2013). Non-fatal injuries resulting in activity limitations in Estonia: risk factors and association with the incidence of chronic conditions and quality of life. A retrospective study among the population aged 20-79. BMJ Open, 3(e002695), 1 - 7.
- Sakkeus, Luule; Abuladze, Liili (2013). Estonia. Malter, Frederic; Börsch-Supan, Axel (Toim.). SHARE Wave 4: Innovations and Methodology (11 - 13). Munich: Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich Center for Economics of Ageing (MEA). (SHARE)
- Lack, Nicholas; Blondel, Beatrice.; Mohangoo, Ashna.; Sakkeus, Luule; Cans, Christine; Bouvier-Colle, Marie H.; Macfarlane, Alison; Zeitlin, Jennifer (2013). Reporting of perinatal health indicators for international comparisons—enhancing the appearance of geographical plots. European Journal of Public Health, 1-7. (Euro-Peristat)
- Mohangoo, A. ; Blondel, B.; Gissler, M.; Velebil, P.; Macfarlane, A.; Zeiltin, J.; Bouvier-Colle, M.; Haidinger, G.; Alexander, S.; Pavlou, P.; Roos, J.; Sakkeus, L.; Lack, N.; Antlaklis, A.; Berbik, I.; Bonham, S.; Cuttini, M.; Misins, J.; Jaselioniene, J.; Wagener, Y.; Gatt, M.; Nijhuis, J.; Klungsoyr, K.; Szamotulska, K.; Novak-Antolic, Ž.; Barros, H.; Chmelova, M.; Bolumar, F.; Gottvall, K. (2013). International Comparisons of Fetal and Neonatal Mortality Rates in High-income Countries: Should exclusion thresholds be based on birth weight or gestational age? PLoS ONE, 8(6), 1 - 7.
- Zeitlin, J.; Szamotulska, K.; Drewniak, N.; Moahngoo, AD.; Chalmers, J.; Sakkeus, L.; Irgens, L.; Gatt, M.; Gissler, M.; Blondel, B. (2013). Preterm birth time trends in Europe: a study of 19 countries. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 120(11), 1356 - 1365.
- Zeitlin, J.; Mohangoo, AD.; Delnord, M.; Cuttini, M.; Haidinger, G.; Alexander, S.; Pavlou, P.;Velebil, P.; Langhoff Roos, J.; Sakkeus, L.; Gissler, M.; Blondel, B.; Lack, N.; Antsaklis, A.; Berbik, I.; Ólafsdóttir, H.; Bonham, S.; Misins, J.; Jaselioniene, J.; Wagener, Y.; Gatt , M.; Nijhuis, J.; Klungsøyr , K.; Szamotulska, K.; Barros, H.; Horga, M.; Čáp, J.; Novak-Antolic, Ž.; Bolúmar, F.; Gottvall, K.; Berrut, S.; Macfarlane, A.; Bouvier-Colle, M.-H.; Dattani, N.; van der Pal, K.; Hong Zhang, W. (2013). The second European Perinatal Health Report: documenting changes over 6 years in the health of mothers and babies in Europe. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67(12), 983 - 985.
Valge, Jaak (2013). Eesti vasakharitlased üle läve: nähtus, uurimisseis, küsimused. Tuna, 1, 55 - 69.
Puur, A., Sakkeus, L., Tammaru, T. (2013). Rahvastik. Heidmets, M. (Toim.). Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2012/2013. Eesti maailmas (13 - 26). Tallinn: Eesti Koostöö Kogu
- Sakkeus, Luule; Abuladze, Liili (2012). SHARE uuring kui Eesti võimalus hinnata oma poliitikaid Euroopa riikide võrdluses.Sotsiaaltöö,4, 9 - 11. (SHARE)
- Sakkeus, Luule; Karelson, Kati (2012). The Health Transitions in Estonia: Breaking Away from the Soviet Legacy. Nazrul,Hoque ;Swanson, David; (Toim.). Opportunities and Challenges for Applied Demography in the 21st Century (227 - 262). Dordrecht: Springer.
Salaris, L.; Poulain, M.; Samaras, T. (2012). Height and survival at older ages among males born in an in-land village in Sardinia, (1866-2006). Biodemography and Social Biology, 58(1), 1 - 13.
Einiö, Elina; Guibault, Christine; Martikainen, Pekka; Poulain, Michel (2012). Gender Differences in Care Home Use among Older Finns and Belgians. Population, 67(1), 71 - 96.
- Puur, Allan; Rahnu, Leen; Maslauskaite, Ausra; Stankuniene, Vlada; Zakharov, Sergei. (2012). Transformation of Partnership Formation in Eastern Europe: Legacy of the Past Demographic Divide. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 43(3), 389 - 418. (PSU)
- Puur, A.; Maslauskaite, A.; Rahnu, L.; Stankuniene, V. (2012). Past and Present Patterns of Family Formation in Eastern Europe: does Hajnal’s delineation still matter?.Filosofija. Sociologija, 23(4), 256 - 265.
- Billingsley, Sunnee, Luule Sakkeus, and Allan Puur (2012). Jobs, Careers, and Becoming a Parent under State Socialist and Free Market Conditions. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2012: 14, Stockholmi Ülikool.
- Bouvier-Colle, M.; Mohangoo, A.; Gissler, M.; Novak-Antolic, Z.; Vutuc, C.; Szamotulska, K.; Zeiltin, J.; Alexander, S.; Pavlou, P.; Velebil, P.; Roos, J.; Sakkeus, L.; Blondel, B.; Lack, N.; Antlaklis, A.; Berbik, I.; Bonham, S.; Cuttini, M.; Karaskevica, J.; Jaselioniene, J.; Wagener, Y.; Gatt, M.; Nijhuis, J.; Irgens, L.; Barros, H.; Chmelova, M.; Bolumar, F.; Lindmark, G.; Macfarlane, A. (2012). What about mothers? An analysis of maternal mortality and morbidity in perinatal health surveillance systems in Europe. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 119, 880 - 890.
- Valge, J. (2012). London, Berliin ja Moskva ning Eesti 1934.aasta riigipööre. Tuna. Ajalookultuuri ajakiri, 1, 38 - 61.
- Värnik, P. (2012). Suicide in the World. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9, 760 - 771.
- Puur, Allan; Sakkeus, Luule; Põldma, Asta; Herm, Anne (2011). Intergenerational family constellations in contemporary Europe: Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey. Demographic Research, 25(4), 135 - 172. (PSU)
- Puur, Allan; Klesment, Martin (2011). Signs of a stable or provisional increase in fertility? Reflections on developments in Estonia.Demografia, Vol. 54, Nr. 5, 31-55.
- Altmets, K.; Puur, A. ; Uusküla, A.; Saava, A.; Sakkeus, L.; Katus, K. (2011). Self-reported activity limitations among the population aged 20-79 in Estonia: a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Public Health, 21(1), 49 - 55. (PSU)
- Poulain, M. (2011). Exceptional longevity in Okinawa: A plea for in-depth validation. Demographic Research, 25(7), 245 - 284.
- Skytthe, A.;Valensin, S.;Jeune, B.;Cevenini, E.;Balard, F.;Beekman, M.;Bezrukov, V.;Blanche, H.;Bolund, L.;Broczek, K.;Carru, C.;Christensen, K.;Christiansen, L.;Collerton, JC.;Cotichini, R.;de Craen, AJ.;Dato, S.;Davies, K.;De Benedictis, G.;Deiana, L.;Flachsbart, F.;Gampe, J.;Gilbault, C.;Gonos, ES.;Haimes, E.;Hervonen, A.;Hurme, MA.;Janiszewska, D.;Jylhä, M.;Kirkwood, TB.;Kristensen, P.;Laiho, P.;Leon, A.;Marchisio, A.;Masciulli, R.;Nebel, A.;Passarino, G.;Pelicci, G.;Peltonen, L.;Perola, M.;Poulain, M.;Rea, IM.;Remacle, J.;Robine, JM.;Schreiber, S.;Scurti, M.;Sevini, F.;Sikora, E.;Skouteri, A.;Slagboom, PE. (2011). Design, recruitment, logistics, and data management of the GEHA (Genetics of Healthy Ageing) project. Experimental Gerontology, 46(11), 934 - 945.
- Puur, Allan; Rahnu, Leen (2011). Teine demograafiline üleminek ja Eesti rahvastiku nüüdisareng. Akadeemia, 23(12), 2225 - 2272.
- Mohangoo, Ashna; Buitendijk, Simone; Szamotulska, Katarzyna; Chalmers, Jim; Irgens, Lorentz M.; Bolumar, Francisco; Nijhuis, Jan G.; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Vutuc, Christian; Alexander, Sophie; Pavlou, Pavlos; Velebil, Petr; Langhoff Roos, Jens; Sakkeus, Luule; Gissler, Mika; Blondel, Béatrice; Lack, Nicholas; Antlaklis, Aris; Berbik, István; Bonham, Sheelagh; Cuttini, Marina; Karaskevica, Jautrite; Jaselioniene, Jone; Wagener, Yolande; Gatt, Miriam; Barros, Henrique; Chmelová, Mária; Novak-Antolic, Živa; Lindmark, Gunilla; Macfarlane, Alison (2011). Gestational Age Patterns of Fetal and Neonatal Mortality in Europe: Results from the Euro-Peristat project. PLoS ONE, 6, 1 - 28.
- Valge, J. (2011). Foreign Involvement and Loss of Democracy: Estonia 1934. Journal of Contemporary History, 46 (4), 788 - 808.
- Uusküla A, Puur A, Toompere K, DeHovitz J. (2010). Trends in the epidemiology of bacterial sexually transmitted infections in Eastern Europe, 1995-2005: review.Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86, 6 - 14.
Puur, A., Uuet, L. (2010). Eesti NSV 1940.-1950. aastate valimiste materjalid rahvastikuloo allikana. Tuna,2010, 2, 61 - 82.
- Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta (2010). Rahvastiku vananemine demograafilises vaates.Sotsiaaltrendid (16 - 32). Tallinn: Eesti Statistikaamet
- Gissler, Mika; Mohangoo, Ashna; Blondel, Beatrice; Chalmers, Jim; MacFarlane, Alison; Gaizauskiene, Aldona; Gatt, Miriam;Lack, Nicholas; Sakkeus, Luule; Zeitlin, Jennifer (2010). Perinatal health monitoring in Europe: results from the EURO-PERISTAT project. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 35, 64 - 79. (Euro-Peristat)
- Valge, J. (2010). Veteranõ estonskoi Osvoboditelnõi Voinõ i nemetskije natsional-sotsialistõ: ideologija, polititseškaja taktika i kontaktõ . Tuna, 59 - 75.
- Valge, J. (2009). Eesti vabadussõdalased ja Saksa natsionaalsotsialistid: ideoloogia, poliitiline taktika ja kontaktid.Tuna 2009, nr.3, lk. 50 - 62
- Anthony, S.; Jacobusse, G.; van der Palde Bruin, K.; Buitendijk, S.; Zeitlin, J.; Martens, G.; Pavlou, P.; Sakkeus, L.; Gissler, M. ; Lack, N.; Bonham, S.; Birzule, I.; Gaizauskiene, A.; Gatt, M.; Nijhuis, J.G.; Szamotulska, K.; Bennis, M.; Shanks, E.; Rolfe, K.; Macfarlane, A. (2009). Do differences in maternal age, parity and multiple births explain variations in fetal and neonatal mortality rates in Europe? – Results from the EURO-PERISTAT project. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 23, 292 - 300.
Klesment, Martin (2009). The Estonian Economy under Soviet Rule: A Historiographic Overview. Journal of Baltic Studies, 2, 245 - 264.
Klesment, Martin (2009). Interpretation and adjustment of foreign concepts in Soviet Estonia: the discussion and adaptation of management theories. European Review of History/ Revue européenne d’Histoire, 151 - 167.
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Sakkeus, Luule; Põldma, Asta (2009).Fertility Development in the Baltic Countries Since 1990: a Transformation in the Context of Long-term Trends.Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 2009, 7-32.
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta; Sakkeus, Luule. (2007). First union formation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: patterns across countries and gender. Demographic Research, 17,
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta. Challenges of International Migration to Receiving Countries: Estonia in the European Perspective. RU Sari B Nr. 56, Tallinn, EKDK, 2007.
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta. Work-Family Attitudes and Female Labour Force Participation.RU Sari B Nr. 57, Tallinn, EKDK, 2007
- Katus; Kalev, Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta. Fertility Preferences and Generational Solidarity.RU Sari B Nr. 58, Tallinn, EKDK, 2007
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Sakkeus, Luule. Family Formation Trends in the Baltic countries. RU Sari B Nr. 61, Tallinn, EKDK, 2007
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan; Põldma, Asta. (2006). Rahvastiku ühtlusarvutatud sündmus- ja loendusstatistika/Reviewed Population Vital and Census Statistics. Eesti 1965-1990. RU Sari C Nr 24, Tallinn, EKDK, 2006.
- Puur, Allan. Female Employment in Estonia: Family-related Discontinuities Within and Across Birth Cohorts 1924-1973. RU Sari B nr. 52, Tallinn, EKDK, 2005.
- Katus, Kalev; Puur, Allan Puur; Põldma, Asta. Population-related policies in Estonia in the 20th century: stages and turning points. RU Sari B Nr. 53, Tallinn, EKDK, 2005.
- Põldma, Asta. Population-related Attitudes: Evidence from Estonian FFS. RU Sari B Nr. 54, Tallinn, EKDK, 2005.