15. oktoobri Tallinna Ülikooli tervisepäeval saab osaleda sünnimärgi kontrollis ehk dermtestil. Ülikool kogub järgnevaid andmeid kõikidelt soovijatelt, et teenusepakkuja HeBa teaks arvestada soovijate hulgaga ning vajadusel kontrollis osalenutega ühendust võtta. Kuna test on tasuline, 35 eurot, siis on HeBa-l vaja andmeid ka selleks, et kontrollis osalenutele hiljem arve saata. 


On 15 October, Tallinn University Health Day, you can take part in a birthmark check derm test. The university collects the following data from all those who want it, so that the service provider HeBa knows the approximate number of people who want it and, if necessary, contact the participants. As the test is chargeable, 35 euros, HeBa also needs the data in order to send an invoice to the participants later.